Village of Borov dol is located in South-East Bulgaria. It is part of Tvarditsa Municipality, Sliven District. The population of the village of Borov dol is 658 inhabitantsThe village is situated 35km from the city Sliven and 25km from the town of Tvarditsa.The Tvarditsa municipality is situated on an area of 442.5 sq. km in the westernmost part of the District of Sliven. It encompasses the southern slopes of the Elena-Tvarditsa Part of the Balkan, the hills of Mezhdenik (in the Sredna Gora Mountain), a part of the valley of the Tounja River and a part of the Zhrebchevo Dam.The Elena-Tvarditza Mountains and the Sliven Mountains, which are parts of the Balkan Mountain range, rise to the north. The territory of the region is cut by the Tundzha River (the biggest tributary of the Maritsa), the Luda Kamchia River, the Assenovska River, the Blatnitza River, the Stara Reka (the Old River), etc. Zhrebchevo dam, one of the oldest in the country, is on the Tundzha River, and Assenovets Dam is in the valley of the Assenovska River. The relief is mostly mountainous and hilly. The territory of the Tvarditsa municipality is distributed into three geomorphologic areas - the Balkan, the Sredna Gora and the plain areas. The Balkan Area is shaped typically of the medium-height mountain relief - highly risen in their upper part rounded ridges with a southern exposure, furrowed by deeply sunken valleys, which pass into steep slopes and deep indentations in their lower parts. The Sredna Gora Area has a low-mountain hilly relief with a pronounced central ridge of the Sredna Gora Mountain. The Plain Area, consisting of the Tvarditsa Hollow (250 m above sea level) and the Shivachevo Hollow (200 m above sea level), is enclosed between the steep slopes of the Balkan on the north and the slanting slopes of the Sredna Gora Mountain to the south. The lowest point is situated in the valley of the Tounja River - 205 metres, and the highest point is the Choumerna Summit - 1 536 metres.The geographical location of the Tvarditsa municipality together with the sub-Balkan transport corridor - a railway and a highway Sofia - Karlovo - Bourgas, which passes through the municipality, favours the development of the transport and economic connections not only with the neighbouring municipalities, but also with the districts all over Bulgaria. To see the exact location of the village of Borov Dol on the map, please click on the link below:BGmaps
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